FL Lawmakers Considering Transportation Recommendations

Having the ability to get from point A to point B is something most people don’t have to think twice about. But for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, figuring out how to get from point A to point B is no easy task.
Issues with transportation affordability, safety, long travel times, and inability to cross county lines are just a few of the issues that people face day to day and a few of the issues that disability advocates, including FL SAND, are addressing with the Florida Legislature.
Transportation has been one of FL SAND’s legislative priorities for the past two years. Last year, FL SAND played an instrumental role in the legislature allocating money for a transportation task force which released four recommendations in December, two of which are being seriously considered by the House and Senate this session.
The two recommendations being considered for funding are
To streamline the way APD manages and funds transportation so that it works more collaboratively with Transportation Disadvantaged to provide transportation services at the local level. The Senate is considering $250,000 in funding for this recommendation.
To fund two pilot programs (urban and rural) to develop a single point information center that includes mobility management services, and serves as a single point of contact for persons with disabilities, with a priority for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The House is considering $500,000 in funding for this recommendation.
As the 2018 session ends in just a couple of weeks, the House and Senate budget conferences will be convening soon to discuss and decide on these measures. Self-advocates need to contact members of the committees listed below and tell them we need both recommendations funded. Contact information for each committee member can be found by clicking on their names after clicking through to the committee pages below.