Florida Self-Advocates Network'D

Breaking Barriers Training Academy
Florida Self-Advocates Network'D (FL SAND) created the Breaking Barriers Training Academy in 2020 to train self-advocates, parents, providers, and other disability stakeholders in the areas of self-determination, self-advocacy, disability sensitivity, and other topics. Breaking Barriers is unique in that a majority of its offerings are developed and delivered by self-advocates.

Self-Advocacy essentials webinars
February 3 / 7 - 8 PM (ET)
Workin' the Session
This webinar will equip and encourage self-advocates to reach out and share their stories and priorities with lawmakers during Florida's upcoming legislative session. Particular emphasis is given to communicating virtually with legislators and visiting their hometown offices. A discussion of disability issues likely to be addressed in the 2025 session is included.
Use the QR code or link below to register!​​​​​​
Zoom Link

On-site training
Experienced self-advocate trainers are available to come to your organization to deliver training in a variety of areas. Contact BBTA to discuss your organization's needs.
Online Courses
An online version of "The Route To Self-Determination," train-the-trainer course, developed by the Florida Developmental Disabilities Council to serve self-advocates in areas of the state who may not have access to face-to-face training, is under development. Check back.
Want to present at Family Cafe? Watch this webinar providing tips and training for writing an engaging Family Cafe presentation proposal.
Breaking Barriers has access to a variety of engaging and experienced self-advocate speakers who are able to speak on a variety of topics, from their inspiring personal stories of breaking barriers to informative talks on navigating employment, waiver services, benefits, transition, and community inclusion.