Willowbrook and the Lessons We Must Never Forget
Throughout history and in the not-so-recent past, many people with developmental disabilities were considered ill and needing constant...

Ed Roberts: Self-Advocacy Pioneer & Father of the Independent Living Movement
If one had mentioned the name Ed Roberts to me many years ago, I’d probably have no clue who he was, and I’m probably not alone. It...

FL Lawmakers Considering Transportation Recommendations
Having the ability to get from point A to point B is something most people don’t have to think twice about. But for people with...

Something for Everyone at "My Voice Matters" 2018 FL SAND Conference
I am excited to be writing a recap of the annual conference of Florida Self-Advocates Network’D, or FL SAND. This year 125 self-advocates...

Florida Needs Medicaid "Buy-in" or Similar Employment Support Program
In today’s America jobs are a frequent topic of conversation. Whether we talk about bringing jobs back to America, creating a living wage...

Idelio Valdes Award Nominations Due January 26
Nominations for the 2018 Idelio Valdes Leadership and Advocacy Award given by the Florida Developmental Disabilities Council (FDDC) are...

FL SAND, FDDC to Pitch Pay Fair for Care to Legislature
A reality of life for some people with disabilities is the fact that they need aide care to survive. If they are being honest, without...

FL SAND Chooses Transportation, Higher Pay for Direct Care, and Employment Support as 2018 Legislati
The 2018 Florida Legislative session opens in January next year and Florida Self-Advocates Network'D (FL SAND) has selected 3 priorities...

SARTAC Looking for Self-Advocate Fellows to Tackle Disability Issues
SARTAC is hosting a webinar for applicants December 7. See details below. Would you like to grow your skills as a leader or...

Jump Start Your Savings with ABLE United & Enter to win $1000 deposit
Florida residents with disabilities can build savings and keep their federal benefits by opening an ABLE United account – and individuals...