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Florida Self-Advocates Network'D


Check Back for Info on "Reunited: the 2023 Florida Self-Advocacy Conference!"
August 18-20
Rosen PlazaeOrlando
The 2021 FL SAND Conference will be In-Person with Virtual Experiences for Those at Home

Keynote Speaker!
Olivia Babis
Public Policy Analyst for Disability Rights Florida

Special Guest!
Zack Gottsagen
​ Peanut Butter Falcon actor and FL SAND Member
Autograph & Selfie Sessions
"Peanut Butter Falcon" Screening Friday night
Q & A Panel with Zack and friends

All general sessions and break-out sessions will be streamed online with the opportunity to ask questions of speakers. Click here for information and to pre-register for the "Virtual Experience."
Please read the COVID-19 Statement and Guidance Document Referenced Below Before Registering

9700 International Drive Orlando, FL 32819
Conference Rate: $139 plus taxes.
Reserve online HERE
Reservations for ADA rooms should be made by phone (407) 996-9700 -- tell them you are with Florida SAND.
In-Person Conference
In-person registration is closed. Please register for our virtual experience here.
There is no cost for virtual attenders.
Click here for Virtual Experience information and to pre-register.
FL SAND takes the safety of its members very seriously. We will be implementing COVID-19 protocols, including those required by the Rosen Plaza and the Florida Developmental Disabilities Council. We will require CDC recommended social distancing in our designated common areas, in meeting rooms, and by limiting seating at tables. Please read the FDDC's COVID-19 guidance document here and this form that must be completed by each person when the check-in at the conference.
A Heartfelt Thanks to our Supporters!

Panache Holistics
Yellow Cab

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